Your Pet During The Festive Season

We at Vienna Vets love Christmas but we also want everyone to be aware of the dangers for their pets. Please have a look at the, potentially, dangerous foods and drink below to ensure that all members of the family have a safe and wonderful festive period!

Christmas Pudding, Christmas Cake & Mince Pies

These Christmas yummies are bad for dogs for a number of reasons. They are jam-packed full of currants, raisins and sultanas, they are high in fat and are usually laced with large amounts of alcohol which can cause many of the symptoms of intoxication in humans. 

Grapes & Raisins

Consumption of these fruits can cause acute kidney failure so to be on the safe side don't allow your dog to eat these at any point. 


It is a well-known fact that chocolate is poisonous to dogs so be sure to keep it out of reach from your precious pups. In addition, the wrapping can prove to be problematic too, so keep your choccie on a high shelf. 

Macadamia Nuts

Within 12 hours of ingestion, macadamia nuts can cause your dog to experience weakness, depression, tremors, vomiting and hyperthermia (increased body temperature). To avoid a trip to the vet on Christmas Day keep these hidden away.

Cooked Bones

Once cooked, bones can become brittle and splinter easily which can lead them to piercing your cat or dog's digestive tract. Larger fragments could also get 'stuck'and cause an obstruction. 


Take care to ensure no drinks are left unattended on low surfaces or the floor, especially glasses with a wide opening and clean up drink spillages as they happen to avoid your pet clearing them up for you. We also tend to use much more alcohol in our cooking at this time of year so be careful when giving titbits to your pet.

Christmas is a wonderful time of the year for all members of the family but take a moment to ensure that everyone is safe before enjoying the festivities. 



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